Aiyanna Puppy Blog

The Aiyanna Xabi Puppy Blog Spot
When Aiyanna's pups were born we began a Puppy blog to keep people up to date with how the pups were developing. It proved to be a very popular Blog indeed! Rather than delete it we have copied it onto this loooong page to remind us of their 8 weeks here!
Here are our birth piccies plus our times and weights. We have also been 'christened' with pet names to make life easier for Granny & Grandpa!!
No1 - 1315hrs 5/8/09 'Doris' Seal & white girl weighed 525g
Noo Noo Doris
No2 - 1500hrs 5/8/09 'T1' light red and white girl weighed 450g
Noo Noo T1
No3 - 1537hrs 5/8/09 'Choclate Mousse' dark red and white girl weighed 400g
Noo Noo CM
 No4 - 1557hrs 5/8/09 'Morris Green' (was green when born still has a green tinge bless him) red and white boy weighed 500g
Noo Noo Morris
 No5 - 1700hrs 5/8/09 'White Stripe' seal and white girl weighed 475g's
Noo Noo WS
 No6 - 1947hrs 5/8/09 'Harvest' grey and white boy weighed 475g
Noo Noo Harvest
 No7 - 2200hrs 5/8/09 'Sven' seal and white boy weighed 525g
Noo Noo Sven
No8 - 2300hrs 5/8/09 Nuvva (a nuvva seal !!) seal and white girl weighed 525g
Noo Noo Nuvva
 No9 - 0107hrs 6/8/09 'T2' red and white girl weighed 500g
Noo Noo T2
Mum decided not to have them in the whelping box, she desperately wanted to go in the lounge on the cream carpet........but a compromise was agreed and she had them by the lounge door instead!
Whelping box is now in full use however!
Day 4 Piccies
Mum& Pups feeding happily.
Noo Noo D3 Everyone
Noo Noo D4 Doris  
  Noo Noo D4 T1
Choccie Mousse
Noo Noo D4 CM
Morris Green
Noo Noo D4 MG
Noo Noo D4 Sven
 White Stripe
Noo Noo D4 WS
Noo Noo D4 Harvest
Noo Noo D4 Nuvva
Noo Noo D4 T2
 Milkbar Mayhem! 10/08/09
First Week Over 12/08/09
Well that is the first 7 days out of the way...always a worrying time. We actually both managed to both sit down together tonight and have some tea in front of the TV!!!
Still here they are.....and of course one person steals the show!!
Spot The Morris 14/08/09
Noo Noo D8
If you didn't quite see him, look carefully at the centre bottom of the pic!! 
Day 12 video 17/08/09
Been a bit busy here at Casiat....!! Another video for you to enjoy.
As you can see eyes are now opening (just waiting for CM who prefers to do everything in her own time!!) and we are attempting to perfect the difficult art of walking..............not much success there yet though!!
We've also noticed a bit of play starting, usually Doris (she is so forward and clever!!) and White Stripe and dear little Doris has discovered howling already!!!
Now - who wants Doris?????
2 week Video 21/08/09
Well here they are....
2 weeks old and eyes just about open!
It has been a busy week here, sorry for the delay.
Day 16 Portraits 21/08/09
Well here are some pictures of us individually at 16 days old we were a bit sleepy at the time so forgive us for not looking our best!
1. Doris
Noo Noo D16 Doris
 2. T1
Noo Noo D16 T1
3. T2
Noo Noo D16 T2
 4. Harvest
Noo Noo D16 Harvest
 5. White Stripe
Noo Noo D16 WS
 6. Morris Green
Noo Noo D16 MG
 7. Chocolate Mousse
Noo Noo D16 CM
 8. Sven
Noo Noo D16 Sven
 9. Nuvva
Noo Noo D16 Nuvva
The Latest Headlines...... 23/08/09
Still busy this end.....many of you will be looking forward to the next week or so when you come to visit!!!!
Anyway, the latest headlines-
Off duty Policeman tackles rampaging Malamute -
Noo Noo Smoo
Why it is difficult to get any work done.....
  Noo Noo D19 Teddy
 A Dose of Cutness 26/08/09
Now we have decided that we do not want to go in the whelping box anymore,  a new pen has been arranged taking up one end of the kitchen!!
  NN D20 newpen
The cage is normally covered by a fleece blanket to create a den for the little darlings!!
Some of us posed nicely for pictures, others slept right through!!
The irrepressible Doris!!
NN D20 Doris
Handsome Sven
NN D20 Sven 
Sweet little Nuvva (looking a little startled by the flash!!)
Noo Noo D16 Nuvva
Pretty T2
NN D20 T2 
White Stripe and Sven squash Morris!!
NN D20 squashed Mo
The red girls T2, CM & T1
NN D20 red girls
A right old bundle!!! (notice the rare 'blue' Malamute in the background!!)
NN D20 pile up
Last night we all went bowls of Welpi!! Then we decided to smear it over each other, the walls and the blankets before making the floor into a sticky mess. Still work required there before we go onto something a little more solid!!
Our First Chicken Wings 31/08/09
How do 26 day old puppies know how to eat meat? We are just about weaned now...minced chicken 3 times a day, plus whelpi, plus Mum when we can....
Savage Puppies........ 06/09/09
More puppy savagery!
Noo Noo W5 Ouch
New playpen 06/09/09

Welcome to our new pen and play area.


Let us see how nice it looks in 4 weeks time!
Here we all are....
Noo Noo W5 Everybody


Here are a few individual pics taken today.
 Dear Doris.....The leader of the pack this would never guess looking into those eyes.
Noo Noo W5 Doris
 If you want sweet....try Nuvva. A gorgeous girl if ever there was one!
Noo Noo W5 Nuvva
Finally, star of the show  - Choccie Mousse
Noo Noo W5 CM
The BIG Dig 13/09/09





Despite being given a lovely large playpen complete with tunnels, toys and climbing frame...........
NN big playpen
...........we have discovered digging!!
Digger Doris!
NN Dirty Doris
Dirty Morris!
NN dirty Morris
Gritty Harvest!!
NN dirty harvest
Guess they'll be having their first bath soon..........!!









 Late night Shenanighans!! 1409/09
A bit of a hazy video, but you get the picture!
Taken sometime near midnight..........when all should have be quiet!!!
Ooooooops 15/09/09
Poor T2....
If you think these are funny wait til you see the video!!!
Noo Noo W6 Watering can 1
Noo Noo W6 Watering can 2
 The funniest video ever!!! 16/09/09
 Peace and Quiet ? 17/09/09
This is for everyone who has visited when the pups are quiet and sleepy. Some people don't believe us when we say they are quite lively at times.
Passing 5 mins 24/09/09
Life goes on here at Casiat.
We have been very busy so apologies for not updating the site so much.
Here is our latest video.
Week 7 pics 24/09/09
The latest pics
Dino (Sven) & Bale (Harvest)
Noo Noo W7 Bale Dino
Amber (CM)
Noo Noo W7 Amber
Miya (T1)
Noo Noo W7 T1
Taizii (T2)
Noo Noo W7 T2
Inca (Nuvva)
Noo Noo W7 Inca
 Amarie (WS)
Noo Noo W7 Amarie
Fury (Doris)
Noo Noo W7 Doris
Last (and by no means least) Morris Waker
(Sleepy Morris...he seems to have been hiding when the camera was out!)
Noo Noo W7 MoWak2
Big Bad World 26/09/09
Look at the fun we had in the big field today..............
 5 minutes peace.......... 27/09/09
Noo Noo W8 Sleep 1
Noo Noo W8 Sleepy 2
Miya & Amber
 All gone.............. 21/10/09
Well all of Aiyanna & Xabi's pups have now found new homes....
We are so pleased that we have found wonderful homes for all of them. Thank-you to everyone who enquired about the pups, but more importantly thankyou to everyone who gave them a home.
We have already heard so many wonderful stories and seen some wonderful pics. 
See the Casiat Einaudi Litter in their new homes HERE.